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Focus Education & Consultation Services

English, job interview, communication, dating and business education and coaching

eating ship

Our instructor teaches, coaches and consults in the field of communication and mind. He :

having fun


Mr Gregor is the author of the book Mind optimization. The book was published bilingual: in English with traditional Chinese translation.

English Course Selection Strategies: Group Vs One-On-One EzineArticles

Call for end to paper chase South China Morning Post

For Learners of English As a Second Language: A Myth About the Indefinite Articles EzineArticles

Frustrated in attempt to offer employment South China Morning Post

A Communication Skill Problem: Getting Tongue Tied in Conversations in Some Social Situations EzineArticles

Dating and Relationship Strategy: Why Do Most Husband Hunters Fail? EzineArticles

Entrepreneur's Burden South China Morning Post (the third article down)

Educational background

Mr Gregor got his IMBA (International Master of Business Administration) degree at USC (University of South Carolina), USA in 1995.
Previously he got a bachelor degree in Economics and another Master degree in Marketing Communications.

He started a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) program in Finance at SIU, Southern Illinois University, USA in 1996. After the first year he left the US and moved to Hong Kong in 1997.

science museum mirror

Passions and hobbies

Mr Gregor's passion is learning and teaching. His special interest is about the mind, yoga, hiking, cycling, life-long self-improvement and success in career, relationship, dating and health.

Mr Gregor on bicycle