Learning skills developing course in Hong Kong
This video is a complete overview about how to learn how to learn effectively. When you learn music, sport, language or for a school or university subject or self-development there are commonalities in most learning types.
All learning happens in a system that either the school, teacher or you set up and often you learn in multiple systems e.g. you go to a course but you also learn the same thing at home. When you set up your learning system, you deal with the social and physical environment, as well as you prepare yourself emotionally, intellectually and physically for your learning and put yourself in the optimal state for learning, The learning system also includes your internal and external motivation and the right mindset.
Always focus on the progress and trust that you will improve if you put effort. It will not be easy and sometimes it is boring, tiring and you may think of giving up. But if you understand that learning is a struggle sometimes, you will keep learning through difficult times.
You also need to set up feedback systems. You should be the main feedback and develop the skills you sense whether you do something correctly or not. The ultimate feedback should be an expert like a coach, teacher, trainer.
There are some types of learning. One is procedural learning where you learn steps how to do something. Process learning may includes procedural learning but here you have a better understanding the major large steps to achieve something. It is like chunking the main goals into smaller process stages and achieving those sub-goals. Process is what to do and procedure is how to do it.
Modeling is understanding the big picture and why you need to dot hose process steps. But modeling can be also without process. Modeling makes your knowledge transferable. One aspect is that you can transfer what you have learned from one application or domain to another one. A second aspect is transferring knowledge from one person to another one. This can be modelling a successful person's mindset, skills, attitude etc so you can follow them. Or it may mean to teach something to somebody like a coach or trainer or teacher. When you learn theories, principals you learn models and transfer knowledge.
Deliberate learning is understanding all the skills, processes and procedures and chunking them into small pieces and practicing them. Then when you improved some related skills or procedures, you combine them into larger unit and practice that. You go though all the skill components and learning processes and procedures in an iterative way again an again.
One aspect of learning is practicing slowly and consciously to do things correctly and so many times that you will do it automatically and faster and as you practice more. When you can do something correctly both consciously and subconsciously, you reached a high level. But you can still improve further by teaching your skills because it forces you to understand more in details and communicate your knowledge through models at all levels of learning.
Learn how to learn quickly and effectively
Course objectives
This learning how to learn course helps you save a lot of time by teaching you effective learning strategies, mindsets, skills and techniques that you can use in any kind of learning like at school study, work, sport, art, technology, self-development etc.
Change in our daily lives is accelerating faster and faster. If you want to stay relevant at work, get a new job or promotion, pass exams at school with better grades, stay up-to-date with modern technology, acquire new knowledge and skills, learn new skills in art or sports, or just adapt to the daily changes, you should be able to learn very effectively and efficiently. It is about time, money and competitiveness.
There are huge differences between people when it comes to learning. Even without extreme cases, a slower learner may need 2 to 100 times more time to reach the same level than a person who learnt how to learn well. This translates into money and benefits in life.
Your learning speed and effectiveness is not your fix personality or talent. It can be improved.

I often hear people express their frustration about their progress towards their goals, especially learning objectives, using time like "I've spent 6 months already and I do not see any significant results." And then they blame themselves or the teacher. Using years and months for progress evaluation has no sense.
A little bit better to calculate how many hours actually you spent on learning. So 6 months of learning can be altogether 180 hours (1 hour a day) but it can be just 26 hours (1 hour a week). Anyway, even this hour measurement is meaningless because if you did not focus, if you were daydreaming, you just wasted your time.
So better to measure your input with effective effort. For example, learning a language needs effective focus and memorisation. There are 10 or even 100 times differences between people when it comes to effective effort.
Learning skills course training methods
This is a one-to-one or small group private course. The studying is in our classroom, face-to-face and in English.
We focus on learning transferable knowledge, mindsets and skills that you can apply in various learning situations. People who achieved success in a domain like sport, business, work, entertainment, athletics or academic field often can be very successful in a new field, too, because they know how to think, motivate themselves, how to stay focused for a along time, etc.
Learning has a nested hierarchical structure that most people never heard of or thought of. Some elements of this hierarchy from the lowest, simplest level to the highest, most powerful level:
- classical learning,
- associative learning,
- procedural learning,
- schema,
- process learning,
- modelling,
- learning system building and optimization.
In the course we focus on the higher levels as well as various useful theories, principals, models, perspectives and skills.
When you learn something you should use both an external and an internal feedback system to correct your mistakes and learn quickly. The external feedback comes from a teacher, a tutor, a coach or from a trainer.
Do not believe that you can learn certain things just alone. The internal feedback system is you. You should not rely entirely on a trainer but develop the skills to know whether you are doing something in the correct way and if not then practice more or ask advice.
Learn how to learn - optimise your learning system
Almost everybody, when it comes to learning, just start the training and focus on the skills, knowledge or subject they want to acquire.
However, the effectiveness of your learning depends on the system or matrix in which your progress takes place. This system has various elements. These system components and their interactions can be improved gradually and as a result, a much more effective learning emerges.
Here are some of components of your learning system:
- your body and health (if you are hungry, sleepy, ill, you cannot learn well), motor skills (for physical learning), stamina,
- your mental faculties, capabilities and states (concentration skills, self-motivation, memory, brain processing speed, comprehension skills, curiosity, open mindedness, pattern recognition, I.Q., creativity, habit change, planning, time management (goal and priority setting), willpower, self-discipline),
- your E.Q. and emotional state (self-confidence, stress, anxiety, excitement),
- communication and relationship skills (to get the best support from your classmates, coach, teacher, mentor),
- presentation and public speaking skills,
- your teaching, coaching, mentoring skills (teaching what you've learnt is an important learning method),
- physical environment (eliminating interruptions, noise, having good temperature, lightning etc.),
- social environment (family and friend support)
- financial situation and support.
Some of these internal and external learning system elements have huge impact of your overall learning effectiveness.
You are also going to learn about various learning strategies and principles e.g. deliberate learning, habit change and strategic thinking.